Monday, December 30, 2019

What Is Human Flourishing And Why Should We Care Essay

What is human flourishing and why should we care? We, as humans in a modern culture, have lost touch with the art of human flourishing which was once described to us by Aristotle. Modern culture humans are no longer practicing human flourishing because society considers it to be too time consuming. There is a phenomenon in our current society that humans need to be busy to be successful. However, this is not the case. Without human flourishing, human advancement is hindered. Human flourishing, as instituted by Aristotle and later enhanced by Saint Thomas Aquinas, should be experienced daily ritual and viewed holistically. However, it is rarely treated in this manner. Human flourishing combined with spirituality should be instituted as an essential human lifestyle so that individuals will be able to function to their fullest capacity with joy and happiness. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who lived from 384-322 B.C., was a teacher well-known for his logic, reasoning and emphasi ze on the importance of human life. He believed that the purpose of life was to flourish and have earthly happiness, also referred to as Eudaimonia (Heinaman). Aristotle called this concept human flourishing. He believed that humans could seek human flourishing by using their virtues. Aristotle believed that flourishing was a process, not simply a state (Crespo and Mesurado). To obtain happiness, Aristotle believed that humans needed to be in a continual progression of flourishing. WithoutShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Revealed About Human Nature ( From Gen 1-2 )?991 Words   |  4 Pages1. What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and 2, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. God created everything from nothing; to be perfect from his perspective. 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For example, many religions forbid medical care and in this case would nullify the situation all together. Pellegrino’s principles for the application of teleological morals to the use of modern medicine, allows for health care needs to be met without the compromise of one’s teleological moral standards. Along with the acceptance of medicine as a tool, Pellegrino insists that the patient themselves have a final say in their treatment. â€Å"If we are not to violate the humanity of the patient inRead MoreDrug Abuse And Its Effects On Society1521 Words   |  7 Pageshave emerged as a series of ‘epidemics’ of abuse of different drugs affecting different age, sex, and socioeconomic group s at different historical times and in different countries† (Robins 7). The bible does not directly mention drugs that people should not use but discusses mind-altering drugs that are unacceptable in God s view. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Economic and Social System Comparisons - 1675 Words

As World War II ended in approximately 1945 , Europe was split politically. As accounted by Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of Britain, the political division between Western Europe and Eastern Europe was described as a iron curtain. ( Orgsites, pg 1) This political division was caused as Eastern Europe, ruled by the Soviets, was communist, while Western Europe was democratic, as they were highly influenced by the United States. ( Bradley, pg 3) The democratic west joined the United States of Americas efforts in starting a commitment to remain peaceful and non-communist in Western Europe. ( Kisatsky, pg 4) This had all taken part through the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO) , in order to refrain from communism to spread across Europe, thereby conquering Western European powers, eventually leading to the world. After 1945, Western Europe and Eastern Europe experienced many differences and similarities in their social and economic systems in the time period of 1945- 1955 in the means of social standing by occupation as well as the economic effects on trade. Both Western Europe and Eastern Europe can be compared in their social and economic systems, as well as the effects caused from the war, effects on women, and on their economic recovery after the war. World War II had a significant impact on Soviet Eastern Europe. The transitions faced by the Soviets throughout World War II was ruinous to the capacities and productivity of theShow MoreRelatedAnalytical Comparison Of Health As A Human Right In Kidder’S1549 Words   |  7 Pages Analytical comparison of Health as a Human Right in Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains and Ansell’s County Student’s Name Institution Word Count: 1564 words â€Æ' Analytical comparison of Health as a Human Right in Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains and Ansell’s County Health is an issue that brings together various sectors and stakeholders because of its importance in the society. Giving the population quality healthcare requires vast attention and resources. Investments in the health sectorsRead MoreComparing Education Between United States And Nepal1689 Words   |  7 Pagescountries. The quality of education system of Nepal is different to United States. While comparing the quality of educations between two countries, several factors that caused were examined. 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A figure that has increased rapidly in the last century not necessarily because democracy is the best form of government, but primarily for reason that in practice, under stable social, economic and political conditions, it has the least limitations in comparison to other forms of government. Be it the transparency of a democratic government or the prevalence of majority rule, all subdivisions of democracy benefit and hinder its people. While I agree with Churchill’s

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Managing Operational Activities to Achieve Business Results Free Essays

string(77) " adopted system approach such as input, output and method of transformation\." London School of Science Technology ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET – RESIT Unit Number and Title Assessment Title Course Title Assessment Code Hand Out Date Unit 15: Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Managing Operational Activities to Achieve Business Results HND Business HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 01st March 2013 Hand In Date 11th May 2013 Lecturer(s) Anup Bista Adrian Gauci Dhaneswar Chooramun Internal Verifier Jonathan Cartmell Course Notes / Slides / Activities / Handouts. 1. Recommended Learning Textbooks: BPP (2010) Management: Communication and Achieving Results – Business essentials – supporting HNC/HND and foundation degrees, BPP Learning Media: London Slack N. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Operational Activities to Achieve Business Results or any similar topic only for you Order Now , (2007) Operations Management, 5th Edition, Financial Times: Prentice Hall Watson, G. and Gallagher, K (2005) Managing For Results, London: CIPD. 2. Recommended BMW Documentaries on Business Activities: CNBC Documentary – BMW Quality Processes http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=OPSCh3Ys_B8 National Geographic – Megafactories Doc BMW / Mini Quality http://www. outube. com/watch? v=kk98q1N4XXI 3. Recommended Learning Weblinks: www. bsieducation. org (British Standards Institution) http://www. bmwgroup. com (BMW Education) http://www. wincanton. co. uk (Supply Chain Management) www. times100. co. uk (Times Resources) http://www. quality-foundation. co. uk(UK Quality Foundation) http://www. efqm. org/ (EU Foundation Quality Management ) Sources of information To be filled by the student Student Name Student ID Lecturer Group(e. g. ) HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 1|Page London School of Science Technology Assessment Requirements †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time. You must submit one single PDF or MS Office Word document. Any relevant images or screenshots must be included within the same MS Office Word or PDF document. The last version you upload will be the one that is marked. The file size must not exceed 20MB. Answer the criteria in order, clearly indicating the CRITERIA number. Ensure that all work has been proof-read and checked prior to submission. Ensure that the layout of your documents are in a professional format with font style Arial, font size 12 for the text, font 14 for sub heading and font 16 for main heading, line spacing 1. 5 and justified. Use the Harvard referencing system and provide references [e. g. (Smith, 2011)] within the text and an entry in a references list. Otherwise it will be considered as plagiarised work. Ensure that you back-up your work regularly and apply version control to your documents. Ensure that any file you upload is virus-free, not corrupted and not protected by a password otherwise they will be treated as a non-submission. You must NOT submit a paper copy or email of this assessment to any member of staff at LSST. Your work must be original with the appropriate referencing HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 2|Page London School of Science Technology WHAT TO DO: You are required to read the following scenario and attempt all tasks given in the table below by relating your response to the context of the given organisation in the scenario. CASE STUDY Imagine you are the Operations Manager at the BMW Headquarters in Munich. You have been asked by the Board of Directors to review the below business activities to improve the operations, quality and efficiency of a BMW manufacturing plant in the UK. Your review will be used by the Board of Directors to improve the operational activities such as BMW’s business functions, processes and quality standards to achieve better results in 2014. The review should be structured to cover areas of: TASK 1 – Business processes in delivering outcomes based upon business goals and objectives. TASK 2 – Plans for own areas of responsibility for managing business activities. TASK 3 – Monitoring appropriate systems to improve organisational performance. TASK 4 – Managing health and safety in the workplace. Due to the continuous changing nature and complexity of managing business activities within an organisation, you are required to research, gather and present the appropriate information. This will include the use of management theories and practical examples applicable to BMW company. You are to present your responses in a detailed report format to fulfill each Pass Criteria with appropriate Harvard Referencing technique for the tasks below. Additional Information/Advice: A support textbook is also available for this Unit, which you may find helpful to explore theoretical knowledge and understanding. You may also access the following links to carry out your further research to support your responses with some practical examples in the context of BMW company. YouTube – Official International BMW Channel http://www. youtube. com/user/BMW CNBC Documentary – BMW Quality Processes http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=OPSCh3Ys_B8 National Geographic – BMW – Megafactories Series Documentary http://www. youtube. com/watch? =kk98q1N4XXI HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 3|Page London School of Science Technology PART A – PASS CRITERIA ONLY Pass In order to achieve Pass, students must achieve all the pass criteria below. TASK 1: Business processes in delivering outcomes based upon business goals and objectives. PASS CRITERIA 1. 1 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 9th March Descri be briefly the importance of two core organisational functions and evaluate the interrelationship between these functions in managing business activities to achieve results in a company like BMW. Guidelines: In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Include a definition of what operations management is as a function. Identify the two most important functions for business operations at BMW. †¢ Establish the interrelationship between at least two chosen functions above and evaluate how each function operates, interacts and supports to each other in operation. †¢ Bear in mind, your response should relate to the given company BMW in the scenario. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: †¢ 1. Evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organisation. PASS CRITERIA 1. 2 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 15th March Explain the adopted economic system approach (i. e. input – output model) including transformation process within BMW and evaluate the effectiveness of the used forms of transformation process to achieve operational objectives. G uidelines: In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Provide evidence to demonstrate the adopted system approach such as input, output and method of transformation. You read "Managing Operational Activities to Achieve Business Results" in category "Papers" Expand your thoughts into â€Å"the transformation process† of operations management including at least one example for each material, customer and information processing operations. †¢ Describe the effectiveness of the used forms of transformation processes to the context of the operation to map processes for achieving operational objectives. †¢ Bear in mind, your response should relate to the given company BMW in the scenario. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 1. 2 Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives. PASS CRITERIA 1. 3 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 24th March Describe the role of quality gateways in mapping operational processes and evaluate how processes can be designed in order to achieve targeted output, using BMW as an example. Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Include the meaning of quality gateways and discuss its role in transformation process. †¢ Include the content of a ‘process map model’ in your response if required. HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 4|Page London School of Science Technology †¢ Evaluate how quality gateways will help to map the operational processes in order to achieve targeted output. Relate to the given company BMW in the scenario. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 1. 3 Evaluate the output of the process and the quality gateways. TASK 2: Plans for own areas of responsibility for managing business activities. PA SS CRITERIA 2. 1-2 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 11th April Briefly explain what you understand by setting up ‘SMART Objectives’. Write two SMART objectives that BMW should embrace to improve quality. Create one operational plan with five stages for one of the above SMART objectives by applying MBO or Planning Hierarchy and Planning Process Models. Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Include at least two SMART objectives for BMW and explain why they are SMART. †¢ Review the concept of MBO again in setting your smart objectives to align people and other resources in an efficient and effective way. †¢ Your plan should promote collective goals and objectives by applying MBO or Planning Hierarchy and Planning Process Models. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 2. 1 Design plans which promote goals and objectives for own area of responsibility. 2. 2 Write objectives, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way. PASS CRITERIA 2. 3 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 20th April Identify two appropriate systems and explain how they can be implemented effectively in order to achieve the set SMART objectives by meeting organisational standard of quality. Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Include systems such as ‘accounting/finance system’, ‘management information system’, EDI, ERP, SCM, CRM, the quality system’, ‘CPA (Critical Path Analysis) and PERT (Project Evaluation Review Techniques) etc. †¢ Consider at least two appropriate systems given above and explain their effectiveness to achieve the set objectives in most efficient way. †¢ Relate to the given company BMW in the scenario. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 2. Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality. HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 5|Page London School of Science Technology PASS CRITERIA 2. 4 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 23rd April Identify the Project Planning model/tools and discuss how you utilise o ne of these techniques either (i) Project Evaluation Review Techniques (PERT) or (ii) Critical Path Analysis (CPA) to monitor and control the entire project operation. Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Include the aim of the project planning for managers and discuss the tools involved in project planning process applicable to BMW. †¢ Expand the response with brief explanation on how the planning tools such as Project Evaluation Review Techniques (PERT) and Critical Path Analysis (CPA) can be used to monitor and control the entire project operation. †¢ Use a diagram for planning tools if necessary. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion : 2. 4 Carry out work activities meeting the operational plan through effective monitoring and control. TASK 3: Monitoring appropriate systems to improve organisational performance. PASS CRITERIA 3. 1 (Approx. 150 words) Recommended interim deadline 29th April Explain what you understand by the concept of quality and analyse the implemented quality system in managing and monitoring quality standards within BMW. Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Include a definition of quality and the role of quality concept to BMW. It is essential to recognise the various Quality Management System (QMS) such as Quality Circle, ISO 9000/EN29000 standards, Costs of Quality etc and assess the implication of these systems to the context of BMW. Pick two Quality Control systems at BMW as examples. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 3. Design systems to manage and monitor quality standards specified by the organisation. PASS CRITERIA 3. 2-4 (Approx. 350 words) Recommended interim deadline 1st May Define the Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy and explain how this philosophy can be used to increase quality and efficiency, and to reduce costs by creating a quality culture of improvement within BMW. Identify at least three required changes or improvements that you would suggest on the BMW quality system with your justi fication in order to create a sustainable quality culture for continuous improvement. Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: †¢ Explain the theory of TQM on how it helps to create a quality culture to ensure continuous monitoring, evaluation and development of the process within BMW. †¢ Support your view with some examples from BMW. †¢ Include reference to Business Process Re-engineering for the three required changes. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criteria: HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 6|Page London School of Science Technology 3. Demonstrate a quality culture to ensure continuous monitoring, evaluation and development of the process. 3. 3 Recommend improvements which align with the organisation’s objectives / goals resulting in improvements. 3. 4 Report on the wider implications of proposed changes within the organisation. TASK 4: Managing health and safety in the workplace PASS CRITERIA 4. 1-2 (Approx. 200 words) Recommended interim deadline 10th May Investigat e how three different Health and Safety Acts and Regulations have been implemented within BMW and explain why BMW needs to carry out risk assessment as required by the legislation. Guidelines In order to complete this task, your answer should: †¢ Show awareness and impact of relevant legislative requirements for the BMW. †¢ Identify relevant three legislative regulations and explain the impact of these on health and safety procedures within BMW. †¢ Consider how a risk assessment could be carried out and its impact on the organisation. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criteria: 4. 1 Carry out risk assessments as required by legislation, regulation and organisational requirements ensuring appropriate action is taken. 4. Demonstrate that health and safety regulations and legislation applicable in specific work situations are correctly and effectively applied. PASS CRITERIA 4. 3-4 (Approx. 200 words) Recommended interim deadline 10th May Explain a procedure to identify hazards and risks in the organisation and discuss how this should be managed. Guidelines In order to complete this task, your answer should: à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Include a procedure to identify and assess hazards and risks in BMW, and show how this would be managed. †¢ Demonstrate that you can distinguish between a hazard [i. e. potential of harm] and a risk [i. . likelihood of harm caused by the hazard] within BMW. †¢ Support your response by producing two examples of hazards and risks at assembly line of BMW manufacturing plant in the UK. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criteria: 4. 3 Carry out a systematic review of organisational health and safety policies and procedures in order to ensure they are effective and compliant. 4. 4 Carry out practical application of health and safety policies and procedures in the workplace. – THE END – HND Bus-Unit 15/ MBAAR Feb 2013 RESIT 7|Page How to cite Managing Operational Activities to Achieve Business Results, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Economic Problem Scarcity

Question: Explain the economic problem of scarcity by using demand and supply factors relevant to the price of oil. Answer: Simple Supply and Demand The utilisation of various productsincludes crore of millions of population, who individually can limited the power to effect the cost of goods, but combinedly have plenty of power to influence it. The solution will definitely wont shock you: (Foreign countries) Saudi Arabia. But the very close runner-up might: The (USA)United States of America creates more than 11.11 million barrels every day, which can be more than 95% of what other foreign countries like Saudi Arabia produces. If comparing Russia which is close behind the (USA)United States. The world's 2nd largest economically rich country china, is a distant fourth.With oil's stature as a highly demand global product comes the possibility that various and major changes in cost of goods have a very significant impact on the economic of the country. The two basic factors that affect the cost of oil.(December 4, 2014)(Blitzer, December 4, 2014) demand and supply market condition Demand of oil The concept of supply and demand is not supply falls (or demand rises) the price should go demand falls (or supply rises) the prices oil future contract is a agreement that gives the authority to buy oil in barrels at a predetermined price on a predetermined date in the coming future. (al-Naimi, April 20, 2015) Oil scarcity Oil scarcity can be caused by various factors, including technical limitations etc. this resources of oil is scarce when the supply exceeds demand. increasing demand rises pressures on supply of oil and creates scarcity in the market. The world s supply of oil is not unlimited to existing demand and the ability linked to oil scarcity because there are always many factors involved ,but they certainly play a role. One issue is a permanent supply shock. A best example might be a earthquake that destroys oil refineries, distribution places and pipelines in a region that makes large barrels of oil.this cause oil scarity because any other facilities are not able take over soon as these facilities get back and normal distribution starts, supply return to predetermined levels.preparing for such cause are difficult ,as it involves planning ahead about problems that are difficult to think.(TOMAS HIRST, MAR 10, 2015, 06.46 PM) On each supply and demand graph drawn and shift of the demand and supply curves are to indicate the influence of the market for oil.the below given graphs indicate the demand and supply of oil in the world indicates the quantity price relationship of oil.the following are the reasons of increase and decrease of demand and supply of oil.(WASHINGTON, Apr 11th 2011, 14:07) The growing popularity of different vehicles like cars, autos, buses. The rising use of plastics to produce a huge range of commodities. A slowdown process in the production of oil through out the world i:e the globe.(Mullainathan, September 4, 2013) Continuous action that allows to drill the oil i:e oil drilling operation in more areas of the Alaskan preserve. Downward sloping demand curve of oil Upward sloping supply curve of oil Equilibrium condition of oil in the world market. Equilibrium in the oil market. Increase in Demand Oil Incrreased demand from one country moves the demand curve of snother country to the right to which it is dependent on both price and quantity of oil sold increases New equilibrium in the oil market. Decrease in Demand Oil- Decreased supply caused by turnoil in the oil producing countries moves the supply curve to the left-the price increases,but the producing of oil sold decreases. New Equilibrium in the oil market. The forces of supply and demand of oil that lie in the economics is the plan main point.In an economy (assume the whole world as an economy),these forces taken out by decisions of consumers and sellers set the price and quantity of the oil.The interaction and the communication between the buyers and the sellers of oil creates the equilibrium in the market where the price and the quantity are generally accepted Demand Buyers exhibit both willingness and ability to purchase products may vary in response to price.demand is a record of how peoples purchasing manner change in responce to is a whole series of quantities that consumer will buy at the different price levels at which they make these purchase.A demand curve is a device that shows the relationship between price and quantity in the market from the consumers viewpoint.the demand curve is downward sloping to the right because as the price increases.The demand curve can shift to the right or left as conditions in the maketchange.non price determinants of demand cause these changes. Their willingness to purchase goods and services. 1)Taste and preferences :The use that a good or service provides can easily change and demand is affected by this or ughly,healthy or dangerous now can become its opposite.due to proper taste and preferences the consumer is able to demand correct goods and the suppliers can supply th demanded commodity.(Emma Ujah, on March 04, 2015) 2) Income- Having more or less to spend affects individual demand schedules for most goods an increase in income leads to a rightward shift in the demand curve.For inferior goods an increase in income leads to a rightward shift since these are usually low quantity items that people will avoid when they have more to spend on the other commodity .this helps them to buy more of that commodity at lower prices. Income plays a very important role in the life of the buyers because they can only purchase those things which comes in their income budget and over budget things have to be left irrespective of their preference. Demand of anything get affected by the income level of the consumer to the great extent. 3) Substitutes : when the prices of preference for a substitute changes demand for the product will change. Substitute affect the price of the product in great way. It is the only way to keep the price stable and constant. If the price of the product increases the other will fall automatically, and demand for the product of the decrease price will increase automatically and vice versa. 4) Complementary goods :This is the other factor which affects the demand and supply of the product in the great way, price and quantity of the product is very much affected with this section, the linkage of the products that work with each other can affect the demand for each product. If demand for the increase than price have to be reduced for maintain its consistency. 5)Price expectations of buyers:This criteria is very essential for the life, price affect the customer a lot, until it is stable it will affect the purchaser in a great way. Purchase may be postponed or fall down in present situation if it is analysed that the price will fall in the future and purchase can be increased or rushed to the great extent if it is analysed that the price will rise in the future then people will go and buy the products now with the hope that it will raise in the future, depending in the expectations of future rise and fall of price, expectation of customers changes a lot. 6) Number of buyers: demand depends on the size of the market. The more the number of buyers or users more will be the demand of every product. Demand is always dependent on the size of population. Only population size can increase or decrease the price of any goods or product to the great extent. 7) Availability of customer data: Any Information about the price and the benefit and the cost of a good or service may be scarce and may effect the demand for that good or service.Information of the customer with their preferences is also very much essential for the customer for the price determination, what customer like and what they dont required for the daily life is very important to know for the determination of price of anything. Supply Suppliers sell finished commodities or services. Supply is the quantity og good and services that businesses are willing and able to produce at different prices during a certain period of time. Supply is a record of hoe businesss production habits change inresponce to price. A supply curve is a diagrammatic state that clearly depicts the very close relationship between price and quantity n the market from the sellers viewpointthe supply angle in this case is always upward sloping, from left to right because as the price changes the quantity supplied changes this direct relationship ,which makes sense because sellers will not offer as much for sale at lower prices since profits is their motive the supply curve can shift to the right or left as condition is the market change.non price determinants of supply cause these changes. Future price expectations: producers confidence in the future often difficult to quantity or justify affect the amount of a commodity or service that they are willing to produce. 2)Price of goods using same resource: A demand for a specific resource is increased when other producers bid up the price in responce to increased demand for their product. Time needed for production In a market period no additional product can be generated so quickly. So it is best for the company in the short run only variable costs can be changed toenable producers to supply more of a long run all cost are variable and many amount of new resources can be added. Production cost: this is the most important and the most typical reason for change.the price of incredients capital goods rent labour change moves the supply curve.New technology could make productions costly. A demand for a resource is increased when producers bid up the price to increased demand. Number of sellers- businesses enter and exit market regularly based on variety of changes in the no. Of producer will affect the supply of the product. Changes in technology: New innovations in capital resources can change the average cost of production. Taxes and subsidies: taxes increase cost and subsidies reduces the cost. Achieving Equilibrium Where the demand and supply curves intersect is the equilibrium that determines the point at which price and quantity sold are determined.due to the determination of the price os the goods both the buyers and sellers are able to buy the sell goods. Equilibrium is the price towars which market activity moves.if the market price is below equilibrium the individual decesions of the buyers and sellers will eventually push it upward(scarity of thr good will cause its price to be bid up by those who are willing to but good.)if the market conditions immediately or in future price and quantity will move towards equilibrium as buyer and seller intuitively and logically carry out the laws of demand and supply.the ability of the competitive forces of supply and demand to establish a price at which selling and buying deceisions are consistent is called the rationing function of price. Conclusion Like other products oil prices are not tatally determined by demand supply and market condition towards othe product.if the market conditions immediately or in future price and quantity will move towards equilibrium as buyer and seller intuitively and logically carry out the laws of demand and supply. Crude oil is always polished to extract various fuels such as diesel and petrol, industrial chemicals. Industrial action incur its growth to oil. It is the most important scarce resources, and still there are rare cost effective alternatives to oil for producing vehicles fuels like petrol oil and diesel oil. Externalities can be said as discharge over effects. It can also be said that it is the cost or utility that affects a party who did not choose to incur that benefit or cost. The externalities can be negative or external cost or external diseconomy and it is the cost that is always bear by the other party as a result of economical issues. Usually in most of the transaction the producer is always the first party and consumer is always the second party and any organisation, individual, owner, property and resource that are indirectly affected are the third party. Externalities occur in many ways in daily life, sometimes they are small and little and sometimes they are big. Negative externalities can be referred as external cost. Some external factors arises from the consumption are waste and some other are carbon emissions from various factories, that comes from production. There are many such external diseconomy which are related to the environmental consequences of production and use. Example of using negative externalities are not having sound sleep due to others listening to loud music till mid-night. For instance- if any individual people consume alcoh ol daily and harm to the property of the innocent third party this cause the negative consumption of externality. (Dolan, Tue, 08 May 2012) External cost from consumption occur when negative consumption externalities lead to a situation where the social benefits of consumption is very less than the private benefit. The externality consumption can be positive also. It is also known as external benefit or external economy or beneficial external economy. And it always have the good and positive effects on the work imposes on an unrelated party. Similarly to the negative externality, it can arise either on the consumption side or on the production side. Example of positive consumption are one where in an area that does not have a public fire department, house owners who purchases private fire protection services provide a positive externality to consumption of oil, which are less at risk of the protected neighbour fire spreading to their unprotected house. Externalities always occur when actions or working condition of one party always effect the other party working conditions. When taking into consideration the prices of th e energy, there are three basic consideration that should be kept in mind-Solar energy, Bio-gas energy and Wind energy should be more frequently. Allow more use of bicycles and separate pathway should be made for this purpose. More use of various resources and policy framed by the government should be such that help to deal the consumer with the increase price of the oil globally.(Contributor, February 23rd, 2013) Increase in the use of petrol will also help in the reduction of price of the oil which will ultimately help in the saving of the oil for future consumption. The consumption of energy in India is the 4th biggest place in the world. Total energy consumption for the quantity of oil is limited. If any engine consumes less than a quart of oil every 3000 miles is in very good working condition and if it consumes less than 1500 miles, it can be said that still it is in working condition and if it crosses 1000 miles then it signifies that the retirement period of the engine is nearby. Consumption of oil excess then the normal limit clearly shows that the engine is having the problem. World scientist of the world should invent some alternative source of energy to prevent excess consumption of oil and its utility can be used by our next generation. Nitrogen can be replaced by fuel or oil because it is the best alternative for such consumption, for saving the oil bio-gas can also be used as it is also effected for its use and can be tested easily for the modification. Increase in the price of oil and increase in the demand of the oil have put the e nergy companies to restore oil in uncertain situation or location like the deep-seated water of the ocean (Gulf of Mexico). But the latest deep-rooted water of the ocean has put the question about widening drilling and led to decrease the demand for oil. Here, experts are always trying to explain how we can reduce the oil consumption by using the alternative source. Combination of improved flaming engines, shifts from the original to hybrid oil using engines and faster and more used of biofuels can recover the transport solution. If it was mixed with enhanced onshore production of oil, from carbon-dioxide increased oil recovery. The increase cost of oil is now widening the global economy and its reduce price will always help the consumer of oil.(Arbury, April 24th, 2011) The combination of hydro carbons that remains present in the liquid state in the reservoir in underground and stay in liquid state at atmosphere pressure after passing through ground facilitating separation. Confide upon the features of crude stream it can be assume that the hydrocarbons that present in the gaseous state in the underground are liquid in state after recovering it from oil well and are subsequently mingle with crude stream without measuring separately. Nuclear disuse and its security enhances important issues and infuse critical promises. The limit in which externalities occur in not measureable. Externalities need to be sort out for better society in the India. Government need to promote the alternative source of energy very rapidly which will benefit both the consumer and producer in all the aspect. Price is the other factor which gives pain to the consumer, that means the alternative source of energy should be of such a price that the consumer can easily pay without hesitation and which will benefit for the consumer and will not feel like requirement of oil or petrol.(Riley, 20th December 2014) For the continuous use of solar technologies there need the analysis of up stream work that count the possible changes. There is also better need to understand with the externalities, its causes for reduction, and it should be always keep in mind that externalities should not be wasted at any cost. There should be such alternative source of energy used for driving vehicles so that oil consumption should not be overburdened. References: al-Naimi, A. (April 20, 2015). Ali al-Naimi says Saudi oil production near record high in April. Ali al-Naimi says Saudi oil production near record high in April, 1-1. Arbury, J. ( April 24th, 2011). TRANSPORTBLOG. the economic impacts of oil scarcity, 1-1. 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