Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Disparities Among African American Living in North...

African Americans have a very long history in the United States. Many African American families have been in the United States for many generations; others recently immigrants from places like as Africa, the Caribbean, or the West Indies. The population of African Americans taking in those of more than one race was evaluated at 44.5 million, making up 14.3 percent total of the U.S population in 2012. Those who identified only as African American made up 13.1percent of the U.S. population over 39 million people. The largest concentrations of African American live in the South, living the North with the smallest population of African American. For instance, North Dakota has one of the smallest concentrations of African American about 1.4%†¦show more content†¦Ã¢ ¦  The death rate from HIV/AIDS for African Americans is more than seven times higher for black AA than it is for Whites. â ¦  The rate of homicide is six times more for African Americans than Whites. â ¦  African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives living in N.D are twice as likely to have diabetes than Whites. Access to health care ervices is different betweeen races and it is influenced by geography, income. culture and the types of health coverage. Based on experience, many African Americans perceived receiving health care as an undignified, demeaning, degrating and humiliating experience. Most even resent clinics because of the medical jargon, the long waits, they feel segragated against. loss of their Often the lack of transportation, poverty, non- compliance with previously prescribed medicines also act as barrier for African Americans seeking health care. In fact, many African Americans include elements from the West Indies voudou religions, African Healing, medicine from the Civil War South, European folklore, fundamentalist Christianity, and other belief systems to the treatment of certain deseases. While these beliefs may be strange to many African American, however they still influence the health care behavior of a good portion of their patients. For this reason, the caregiver should be familiar with them in order to deliver Culture-Sensitive Health Care to African American. Many morbidity andShow MoreRelatedBlack Lesbian And Gay Families7002 Words   |  29 Pagescommunities. 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